New publications

We are happy to release a trio of publications!

Dave and Adam’s paper in AEM suggests that the fly microbiota’s metabolic impact depends on dietary yeast batch and preservatives, and that preservatives themselves have direct effects on the fly which the ever-generous mutualist Acetobacter pomorum mitigates. Please email us for the PDF!

Rita has published a beautiful educational article - as single author! - in Biological Sciences Review, explaining the power of the fly for developing strategies to personalise nutrition.

And Adam and Rita, along with good collaborators in Dresden and Damian Dowling at Monash, have published long-running work that suggests we could leverage mitochondrial genetic variation to personalise nutrition. The paper is here.

Belated congrats also to Dave, for a big paper from his previous postdoc, out earlier this year in J Clinical Investigation.


Dave’s PNAS paper


Farewell, Diana